The importance of keyword density in on-page SEO cannot be overstated. It can assist attract search engines and increase a page’s exposure on search engine results in pages when applied appropriately (SERPs).

It can prevent a page from ranking or possibly result in a search penalty, which would remove it from the SERPs entirely if ignored.

What is Keyword Density?

How many times a specific target keyword is mentioned on a web page is keyword density in keyword optimization. It’s a percentage that shows how often the target term is related to the total number of words on the page.

One indicator search engines may use to identify whether or not a piece of information is related to a specific keyword or phrase is keyword density.

“The amount of times a target keyword appears on a webpage is referred to as keyword density in search engine optimization.”



How to Keyword Density?

It’s not Challenging to figure out how to compute keyword density. Simply divide the total number of words on the page by the number of times the target term occurs on the page.

Number of times Focus keyword appears/Number of words on web page= Keyword Density

What is the Good Keyword Density Score?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a determined number of times a term should appear on a page. Because search engines don’t reveal a desired keyword density %, you’ll have to rely on discernment and best practices to get the job done.
Most SEO experts agree that a 1-2 percent keyword density is optimum. This demonstrates that the target term emerges one to two times per hundred words. Without keyword stuffing, the term occurs enough times to show search engines what the page is about at this pace.

Red alert: Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is when a page gets ranked for a specific phrase by repeatedly using the same target keyword. This was formerly a prominent black hat SEO strategy. While keyword stuffing is not extensively utilized in this manner nowadays, marketers should be aware of it so that they do not inadvertently partake in it.

If a page’s keyword density % is exceedingly high, it may look to be keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is against Google’s quality criteria, and it can result in search engine penalties that result in the website being removed from the SERPs.

A too high keyword density might likewise detract from the reader’s experience. It may wreak havoc on your SEO content‘s clarity and readability, forcing users to abandon your site in favor of higher-quality sites.

Strategies for Good Keyword Density:

Because search engines do not have a precise definition of perfect keyword density, you should use best practices for keyword optimization rather than sticking to a certain keyword density %.

The following tactics are the best way to approach keyword density in your content.

1. Write for the audience first, then concentrate on keyword use
2. To add variants of the target keyword, use keyword stemming
3. To provide context and support for the target keyword, use semantic keywords.
4. Eliminate Keyword Stuffing

1. Write for the Audience First, then Concentrate on Keyword Use:

Keep in mind that the most acceptable content is written first and foremost for the benefit of the readers. Use the term in your writing naturally and organically. Using these content writing techniques as a guide, create high-quality, captivating, and valuable material. Once you’ve finished writing, go back and see if you can add the keyword naturally to get a keyword density of 1-2 percent.

2. To Add Variants of The Target Keyword, Use Keyword Stemming:

The capacity of a search engine to detect and correlate similar word forms associated with the target phrase is referred to as keyword stemming.

Keyword stemming usually involves adding a prefix, suffix, or pluralization to a target keyword. Project managers or project managing, for example, are stemming from the term project manager. Use these terms in your content to support your goal keyword while giving textual variation to your copy since search engines detect and associate them.

3. To Provide Context and Support for the Target Keyword, Use Semantic Keywords:

Synonyms, variants, or concepts that are contextually connected to the target keyword are referred to as semantic keywords. They are linked not by the words themselves but by the meanings they convey.

For example, semantic keywords for the target term project manager may include project management or project management. Discover relevant keywords and use them in your content to support your on-page SEO. Search engines utilize semantic SEO to comprehend and rank web pages, so find them and use them in your copy to help your on-page SEO.

4. Eliminate Keyword Stuffing:

Before you publish your content, verify your keyword density and other on-page SEO variables with an on-page SEO checklist. Make sure you utilize the target term enough times on the page to let search engines know what it’s about without keyword stuffing and risking search penalties.